
How do you not become a miserable, bitter person while hating work?

Since graduating college two years ago and working full-time, I have been so depressed. I'm on my second job which I hate, and every other career I've researched sounds terrible in some way. I'm doomed to hate work, and I can't stop being miserable over that. I can't fathom the fact that I have to do something I hate for 40+ hours per week for the next 40 years. Knowing that I can have a good life outside of that doesn't bring me any comfort because it doesn't take away from those 40+ hours – that's so much of our week and overall life. I'm so fucking angry. I just sit here and cry about it almost daily. Waking up on Monday-Thursday mornings make me want to die – I only start to feel good when the end of the week is approaching since I know a whopping 48 hour…

Since graduating college two years ago and working full-time, I have been so depressed. I'm on my second job which I hate, and every other career I've researched sounds terrible in some way. I'm doomed to hate work, and I can't stop being miserable over that. I can't fathom the fact that I have to do something I hate for 40+ hours per week for the next 40 years. Knowing that I can have a good life outside of that doesn't bring me any comfort because it doesn't take away from those 40+ hours – that's so much of our week and overall life.

I'm so fucking angry. I just sit here and cry about it almost daily. Waking up on Monday-Thursday mornings make me want to die – I only start to feel good when the end of the week is approaching since I know a whopping 48 hour break is coming. Literally the only two ways out of this are winning the lottery or marrying into wealth. Obviously the chances of winning the lottery are… low. And there is no guarantee I will marry into wealth, since I'm not choosing a partner based off of his net worth.

So fine. After hours and hours and hours of going through this subreddit and googling ways I can get out of this, I've accepted that I likely won't. But I don't know how to stop being fucking enraged, bitter and miserable over that. I'm so angry at the world. I want to be a more positive person despite this barrier, but don't know how.

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