
How fucked would your workplace be if you left right now and never came back?

I.e, What's one thing at your workplace that only YOU know how to do? Is it something niche, expensive to train, boring, etc., and what are the possible ramifications of it not being done? How long and how much money would it take to fix it being neglected? I'm just a teacher and don't handle anything quite so important but I've read stories like this on this sub before. Know your worth! Note: Posted on mobile, sorry if formatting is weird

I.e, What's one thing at your workplace that only YOU know how to do? Is it something niche, expensive to train, boring, etc., and what are the possible ramifications of it not being done? How long and how much money would it take to fix it being neglected?

I'm just a teacher and don't handle anything quite so important but I've read stories like this on this sub before.

Know your worth!

Note: Posted on mobile, sorry if formatting is weird

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