I have been thinking of posting my story for some time now. This happened about 10 years ago. I used to work at a small advertisement company here in my country.
One of my coworkers had lost his wife and son in a car accident a few months before. It was beyond tragic, the poor guy was really struggling, as you can imagine. He took some time off to grieve but when he came back his work wasn't up to the company's standards anymore and after a couple of weeks they fired him.
He went up to the roof and jumped off our 12 story building. I was outside and actually saw him die. I was 19 years old at the time. A crowd gathered around his body and an ambulance was called to take him away.
I don't remember all the details because I was so shocked at what was happening but I do remember very well that after a few minutes my manager came outside to tell people to go back to work. He yelled at me to “go clock in”.
I went inside and tried to start working but there was just no way to focus. Everyone else inside was talking about it. Turns out the person who was supposed to fire our coworker had refused to do it because they realized what a shitty thing it was to do that to a grieving husband and father. So they ordered an intern to do their dirty job for them. She was a college student in her early 20s. She ended up having a complete mental breakdown because she felt so guilty and ended up being fired as well.
A lot of people quit in the following weeks and the company ended up going out of business.
Whenever I hear bosses saying that the workers don't care about the company, I remember my coworker's bloodied body on the ground. I had nightmares for years afterwards because of it.