
How I doubled my pay

I'm able to talk about this now since it's been a couple of months since this all happened. I've been working at a company for a year and I noticed there was alot of nepitism within the company. I could see a big divide between the people that were making six figures in the company and everyone else. It seemed like most people were in a rut and never really got anywhere. Many people quit before I joined and others quit after I joined. They always ran our staff low and I couldn't see myself working there any longer. My boss left someone's yearly review out on the open next to the printer. I saw the person stated that they should be making way more due to the average and I knew it was for someone that had years of experience working in the position. I didn't want to work…

I'm able to talk about this now since it's been a couple of months since this all happened. I've been working at a company for a year and I noticed there was alot of nepitism within the company. I could see a big divide between the people that were making six figures in the company and everyone else. It seemed like most people were in a rut and never really got anywhere. Many people quit before I joined and others quit after I joined.

They always ran our staff low and I couldn't see myself working there any longer. My boss left someone's yearly review out on the open next to the printer. I saw the person stated that they should be making way more due to the average and I knew it was for someone that had years of experience working in the position. I didn't want to work here for years to only make 10k more in salary.

Since we were really low on people I knew as soon as someone higher-up quit I'd have to take on more work for the same amount of pay onto of training the next new kid. I'm damned if I stay here any longer. I spent time applying to jobs and many people interviewed me and worked around my schedule because they knew I was still working. I was of great value and was able to get an offer for more than double my salary with double the vacation time. I'd be able to quit my second job as well and save time driving to work.

The higher ups were pissed I left and said they saw great things with me. The company then they give examples of people who've worked there for 8 years and now are making a bit more money. Well I just jumped to their level in pay instantly. They didn't want to help me grow and rise up in the company and always wanted me to stay in one spot like a horse with blinders on.

They did an exit interview because I was nice enough to stay on for the two weeks I gave them. They've been trying to figure out why their turnover rate was high. And it's obvious, you don't pay enough. You don't value us enough. Other Coworkers have 4 year degrees a day are working at restraunts and bars in their free time to help make ends meet. I remember someone saying if you want to be successful in the company you should spend your free time studying and learning more about the proprietary knowledge of the company. When do I have time to study when I am basically away from home from 8 to 6 and then work 20 hrs on the weekend.

I now have time to work on myself, learn new skills and enjoy life. I am able to afford a house now and pay off debts. I feel bad for leaving my coworkers behind but they've also been there for years, if they knew it's this bad they should've left. I hope I made a change there in someway and helped open people's eyes. Best way to get a raise is to get a new job. I'm not sure how good it would be if I'm jumping between jobs every year after graduation but I'm young and am looking to gain experience accross many fields!

Thank you Antiwork for making me realize I am worth more and I should make myself priority not the company. It's their fault they can't hire people for such low pay and if they lose their best people they have to start from ground zero. They should be seen it coming when everyone knows people leave our roles to make money in a better company and so on. Many other positions of us at other companies have been losing people left and right so maybe they should realize alot needs to change. Believe in yourself and submit as many resumes as you can and don't settle for anything less than what you're worth!

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