
How I’ve noticed that most employers will fight you tooth and nail so they don’t have to follow ADA laws

So I’ve worked primarily at retail and fast food. The biggest issue as an autistic adult is most employers will try to find some way to refuse to follow ADA laws unless they are forced to. I’m personally fed up with it and will be formally requesting in written form reasonably accommodations that go as follows: I am requesting that all communication be as direct and straightforward as possible. This includes any tasks that you would like me to do, changes in routine, etc. To me this is bare minimum to what I could do. I know how to file a ADA complaint and I know how to document any failure to comply with my request.

So I’ve worked primarily at retail and fast food. The biggest issue as an autistic adult is most employers will try to find some way to refuse to follow ADA laws unless they are forced to. I’m personally fed up with it and will be formally requesting in written form reasonably accommodations that go as follows: I am requesting that all communication be as direct and straightforward as possible. This includes any tasks that you would like me to do, changes in routine, etc.

To me this is bare minimum to what I could do. I know how to file a ADA complaint and I know how to document any failure to comply with my request.

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