
how long do you give it before quitting a new job?

So, for some context, I have really bad anxiety. Anything new/doing new things triggers it and puts me into a panic attack. I left my old, comfy job, because I found out the assistant manager was stealing tips from me (long story), I just started a new job as a supervisor and it's a LOT to learn, it's something I've never done before and my boss, who is training me, is sort of just throwing all of this information at me. I've only been here for 3 days so I shouldnt expect to know everything, but my anxiety is so bad I'm throwing up and crying before I have to go into work, I feel sick and dizzy when I'm here and it makes it harder for me to listen and to learn, right now my mind is screaming at me to run out of this place and leave while…

So, for some context, I have really bad anxiety. Anything new/doing new things triggers it and puts me into a panic attack. I left my old, comfy job, because I found out the assistant manager was stealing tips from me (long story), I just started a new job as a supervisor and it's a LOT to learn, it's something I've never done before and my boss, who is training me, is sort of just throwing all of this information at me. I've only been here for 3 days so I shouldnt expect to know everything, but my anxiety is so bad I'm throwing up and crying before I have to go into work, I feel sick and dizzy when I'm here and it makes it harder for me to listen and to learn, right now my mind is screaming at me to run out of this place and leave while I can. I just feel like I don't want to be a supervisor at a job I'm not comfortable in, I had worked at my previous job for almost an entire year before becoming a supervisor so I knew all the ins and outs and the supervisor adjustment was easy.
Not to mention I'm already having issues with the boss, but that's a story for another time.
I immediately want to just flee the scene and start a different job, although who knows if that'll be easier for me to adjust to, and I haven't found any jobs to apply to.

How long do you give it before you quit a new job?

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