
How much can a new job find out about me from a previous job?

Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is the right sub to ask this question, but I see a lot of helpful responses here often so I thought I'd give it a shot. I have worked at many different hotels before, and I haven't always departed beautifully. One instance I was promoted and given a dollar raise, so of course started doing the new “promoted work-load,” but was never ever paid that extra dollar. So I quit. Another instance I felt as though an AGM was trying to intimate me into picking up less hours, and I was suspiciously fired after speaking with my GM about it. Harassed at another hotel by someone in the maintenance department. I enjoy being a receptionist out of the other regular minimum wage jobs (restaurant, retail, etc.). I keep applying, and I scored an interview with another hotel. In the interview, the recruiter kept…

Hi everyone,
I'm not sure if this is the right sub to ask this question, but I see a lot of helpful responses here often so I thought I'd give it a shot.

I have worked at many different hotels before, and I haven't always departed beautifully. One instance I was promoted and given a dollar raise, so of course started doing the new “promoted work-load,” but was never ever paid that extra dollar. So I quit. Another instance I felt as though an AGM was trying to intimate me into picking up less hours, and I was suspiciously fired after speaking with my GM about it. Harassed at another hotel by someone in the maintenance department.

I enjoy being a receptionist out of the other regular minimum wage jobs (restaurant, retail, etc.). I keep applying, and I scored an interview with another hotel. In the interview, the recruiter kept asking me about my previous hotel experience, and I ended up telling him I left previously due to scheduling issues (which is half true). Turns out he personally knows one of my ex-managers (the GM from the hotel I was fired from) and now I'm a little worried he will reach out and find out I was fired (unfairly, imo).

I am really just trying to find a job and keep my head down while I finish up my undergrad, but I am still trying to practice some self-respect when it comes to my work-life. I really don't want to work at a hotel that has poor management and exploits workers, but I'm afraid the recruiter won't understand that if he speaks to my previous GM.

I remember someone telling me once that legally, a new job can't inquire anything further than what is on the employee contract from a previous job- and a previous job can't reveal anything than what is in the employee contact (such as pay, time of employment, job description, etc.). I'm not sure if that's true, but I can't afford to not have a job right now, so any advice is greatly appreciated.
*Idk if this matters, but I reside in AZ.

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