
How on earth do I go about getting a copy of my collective agreement?

A little bit of context. I’ve been employed at this organization for the past year or so. I was never given or made aware of the existence of a collective agreement. I later found an older copy of the collective agreement that expired 2 years ago, which does state that management is required to 1) inform all new employees of the existence of the collective agreement and 2) direct their attention to certain sections of it. Management never did this yet, but I can’t call them out on it without a copy of the agreement. Anyway, management has still not gotten around to printing out printed copies of the agreement so no one has a physical copy. The only way to get one is through a portal (something like SharePoint) that requires a company email to access – and most of the staff, including me, don’t actually have company emails.…

A little bit of context. I’ve been employed at this organization for the past year or so. I was never given or made aware of the existence of a collective agreement. I later found an older copy of the collective agreement that expired 2 years ago, which does state that management is required to 1) inform all new employees of the existence of the collective agreement and 2) direct their attention to certain sections of it. Management never did this yet, but I can’t call them out on it without a copy of the agreement.

Anyway, management has still not gotten around to printing out printed copies of the agreement so no one has a physical copy. The only way to get one is through a portal (something like SharePoint) that requires a company email to access – and most of the staff, including me, don’t actually have company emails. At all. I have emailed HR a while ago asking for a copy of the collective agreement, got a weird auto response saying “thanks for your interest to our HR mailbox, while we appreciate the interest only selected applicants will be contacted for an interview”, and haven’t received any rely since. Should I pay them a visit in person, perhaps? Should I ask my shop steward for help? I emailed him over a week ago asking for a copy of the agreement and he hasn’t replied either.

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