
How should I deal with how I’m feeling about my workplace and general manager?

Quick info before going on: I'm from the UK if that matters, 23 years old and planning to go to university in September. I wanted to come on here to ask for advice and to get some opinions on my current work situation, as there have been plenty of times (which have increased in frequency) where I've felt like quitting, handing in my notice or just letting it out at my boss by exposing his terrible management of the team, their workload and emotions, as well as, in general (time, and how he's clearly not responsible enough). So, here it is. I work as a floor supervisor in a pub that is owned by a chain company called Young's & Co. Brewary. I was just a standard front of house team memeber before November, but my GM (general manager) offered my training to become a supervisor and social media manager/poster…

Quick info before going on: I'm from the UK if that matters, 23 years old and planning to go to university in September.

I wanted to come on here to ask for advice and to get some opinions on my current work situation, as there have been plenty of times (which have increased in frequency) where I've felt like quitting, handing in my notice or just letting it out at my boss by exposing his terrible management of the team, their workload and emotions, as well as, in general (time, and how he's clearly not responsible enough).

So, here it is. I work as a floor supervisor in a pub that is owned by a chain company called Young's & Co. Brewary. I was just a standard front of house team memeber before November, but my GM (general manager) offered my training to become a supervisor and social media manager/poster for £11 an hour. This was before I went on a holiday, so I'd begin training in December. When that started, it was pretty straightforward, all I had to learn was how to close down the systems, cash up, and manage the team, which I already kind of knew how to do (it's quite straightforward in our pub).

So, that started and I was awaiting introduction to our social media channels, with which is be posting creatively to advertise the pub and promote and campaigns, events, etc and to add character to our drab Instagram page. So, a few months has passed and it's now mid February, and I wanted to see how much I was actually getting paid, because I started to feel overwhelmed with how my boss just pushed things on me last minute (i.e. “post this and take this photo today and also do this during the shift” ).

So, basically, I discovered by looking at my payslip (which I, for some reason, didn't think to check before), that I was only getting £10.50… I was not happy. I was told I would get £11 an hour. 50p might not sound much, but of course it is when you add it all up! So, I nervously (becuase my GM can be difficult and, honestly, intimidating sometimes) brought it up to him and he told me he'd sort it out. Okay, great, I'll give him a week or two cause I know the beauracratical bs and how it takes time to process things like that, whatever. (I also decided I'd start adding a bit extra to my shifts (i.e. 15 mins here and there) to make up for what I wasn't getting currently, lol.)

Then weeks passed and I was able to look at my employee details via my GM's account for the rotating system our company uses (they literally save their passwords to the browser and I'm like 🤦). Guess what? It still wasn't sorted. Also, my position was still stated as “Team Member,” which doesn't really matter at all, but it made me think he's just trying to make the guys bigger than him not notice he was spending more money, but that's speculation.

I was fuming, but I kept my emotions under control and got on with my day at work whilst keeping my distance from him because I intended to talk with him about it before I left work. So, I think he noticed I was pissed and said to me, “your pay is being updated in April because that's the new financial year,” blah, blah, blah, and, to be honest, I just caved and said, “okay” and that I was thinking about it, so thanks for updating me. My plan is and has been to just keep adding more time on my rota to make up for what I'm not getting.

I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I brought it up again in the office a week later, and he said, “in April, I told you!” Then went on to say that the other managers weren't happy about me getting more because it's getting close to what they get through salary, which I now think was probably bs. Anyway, I just bit my tongue and determined that I will drop it and ride this job out until uni approaches when I plan on demoting to team member and/or take much less hours (which will be in September).

So, here we are at the present… I recently found out that them contractually (aka, in writing) or officially transferring my position to supervisor entailed me having to do a bunch of online training, which is fine and makes sense, but I haven't had much time recently in and out of work (should only be in work, to be honest) to finish it as the last course is really long (and, bare in mind, I'm just wrapping up a 5 day “holiday” to see family and have time off work).

So, they contacted me asking me to complete the last course the other night, and I was going to, but I simply forgot. Then, today, on my way home (travelling to London where I live), they reminded me and my GM sent a message: “LEON!!!” That pissed me off and I was so willing and so ready to just start laying the facts out and saying in this manager's group chat I'm in all of the ways in which he's not done his part and left me waiting, etc. I haven't, and have instead resorted here to try ask for guidance and advice on which route I should take.

I know if I go off it might just make things worse and I'll probably have tension with my boss, but I don't know if it makes sense that I care… Well, it doesn't make sense, and I don't care anymore, but is the path of least resistance best right now for me? Every week, I get paid a good amount of money (wages, tips and service charge) that is accumulating nicely in my bank, ready to clear my debt and be saved past that. I only have to wait til August til I start dropping off from work in preparation for university. Can I last that long though when stuff like this keeps sending me mad and triggering anger and resentment?

Be honest. I appreciate it and I appreciate any advice. I am aware of my own faults and weaknesses in this situation, but it's taught me a lot and I no longer fear my bosses reactions and manipulative schemes.

TLDR; there's a ton of issues with my boss' way of, well, “managing,” and I feel like I keep coming to the end of my tether with the way I'm treated as a supervisor. I am trying to decide if it's worth hanging on until August or planning to get a new job with probably less pay and a lower position now or soon.

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