
How should I quit my job

I started at a new place recently and the money is triple my original job. I use to like working at the original it was laid back and fun but it’s too much of a shit show for little pay and after a double on Paddy’s day and what we had to deal with then going to my newer job and not having to deal with any of that nonsense along with seeing how much more I’ll be making Im just done. I wanted to do my two weeks and stuff but I’m DREADING going in tonight. I called out last week so I don’t want to again and my money from that horrid shift is there and I just know I’m gonna be dissatisfied with what I made. (Was never even shown how our tip Pool works) we just get handed cash after the shift or to pick up…

I started at a new place recently and the money is triple my original job. I use to like working at the original it was laid back and fun but it’s too much of a shit show for little pay and after a double on Paddy’s day and what we had to deal with then going to my newer job and not having to deal with any of that nonsense along with seeing how much more I’ll be making Im just done. I wanted to do my two weeks and stuff but I’m DREADING going in tonight. I called out last week so I don’t want to again and my money from that horrid shift is there and I just know I’m gonna be dissatisfied with what I made. (Was never even shown how our tip Pool works) we just get handed cash after the shift or to pick up later. They schedule me in later to leave early so I get a lesser cut, but sometimes make me close anyways which I hate not knowing if I’m gonna end up closing or not.

Should I just quit before my shift after I get my money? Walk out mid rush? Go off on a shitty customer? Or put in my two weeks and tough it out. (If I can make it). I’ve always been a full-time open schedule never late or call out employee but the market isn’t the same and I’m not a doormat anymore I just really don’t care like I use too lol. They’ve taken advantage of me at every turn and favored long time employees that honestly aren’t doing the business any favors. They did nothing to keep me so I’m out.

I walked into nothing being done, was expected to set everything up myself just to be cut 2 hours later and made shit money, to come back at night and work a total shit show with awful staff, managers didn’t do shit to help out, watched a guy run out of clean rocks glasses and I kid you not he took a dirty one and ran it under a sink for a few minutes then used it for the new drink. The other day they washed dinner plates without soap in the already gross dishwater and it def went out and people used it. Place is so disgusting. /rant

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