
How should i word an ultimatum request or quitting to my employer?

I’ve only recently started at this company(3weeks ago now) so I’m not sure how to word my issue to HR/my office without simply being fired on the spot for asking for a “spoiled request.” I have a severe issue when traveling for work with a co worker that i keep being roomed with in a shared two bed hotel room that wakes me up several times a night by yelling or coming over to me and throwing pillows at me while I’m sleeping and snoring. I almost hit him out of a violent wakeup response once & he generally doesn’t let me get more than a couple hours of steady sleep most nights during this. Honestly it’s fucking bullshit & i am tired of this shit, and i need help wording an email to state I won’t be willing to stay at this company if they keep placing me sharing…

I’ve only recently started at this company(3weeks ago now) so I’m not sure how to word my issue to HR/my office without simply being fired on the spot for asking for a “spoiled request.”

I have a severe issue when traveling for work with a co worker that i keep being roomed with in a shared two bed hotel room that wakes me up several times a night by yelling or coming over to me and throwing pillows at me while I’m sleeping and snoring. I almost hit him out of a violent wakeup response once & he generally doesn’t let me get more than a couple hours of steady sleep most nights during this. Honestly it’s fucking bullshit & i am tired of this shit, and i need help wording an email to state I won’t be willing to stay at this company if they keep placing me sharing a room with this co worker(or another for that matter) due to my own and possibly their safety. It’s common in my industry to be bunked with co workers when traveling out of town for work & i definitely don’t make enough money per hour to deal with the added stress of an already extremely dangerous job environment.

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