
How to deal with a manager guilt tripping over sickness?

Hey guys to be 100% honest with you I pooped my pants on my way to work this morning. I had an upset stomach this morning and just chalked it up to “digestion” or maybe just needing some more food aside from my bowl of cereal I work as an Amazon Delivery driver and actually really enjoy the job even tho I'm only a few weeks in (low interaction with other people, don't mind driving, etc.) I called work to let them know to prepare to cover for me and then called my manager to let him know. I, of course, didn't want to say what exactly was bothering me so I said that I had a personal issue come up and would be missing work today. My manager basically told me that I can't miss work today and asked me “well what do you think is too late?” and…

Hey guys to be 100% honest with you I pooped my pants on my way to work this morning.

I had an upset stomach this morning and just chalked it up to “digestion” or maybe just needing some more food aside from my bowl of cereal

I work as an Amazon Delivery driver and actually really enjoy the job even tho I'm only a few weeks in (low interaction with other people, don't mind driving, etc.)

I called work to let them know to prepare to cover for me and then called my manager to let him know. I, of course, didn't want to say what exactly was bothering me so I said that I had a personal issue come up and would be missing work today.

My manager basically told me that I can't miss work today and asked me “well what do you think is too late?” and just kinda made me feel bad overall

I still have diarrhea and cramps rn and I'm just really nervous about having to call again because I'm worried about being fired.

Before this job I was unemployed for seven months and I really really cannot risk losing it but have no idea how to approach this situation without being guilted or made to feel bad for something I have no control over

it probably doesn't help that my three day break starts tomorrow so I feel like, even if I do explain, they'll think I'm just lying to get an extra day off.

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