
How to deal with micromanaging

Hello So currently I am a project assistant at a consulting company where do our timesheets in billable and non-billable hours. Though for myself as of right now am doing non-billable hours because I started about 2 months ago. As of right now my utilization numbers don’t matter since I am in training (i do some admin work). Anyways it has been extremely slow recently and haven’t had the opportunity to do any billable admin work and I try to make myself busy but I would still be using my non-billable time. My manager recently tells me she doesn’t hear from me and I mostly don’t because I don’t know what to say to her when there are no questions that I have since there is no work. She then states that she wants a brief run down of what I do daily. The next day I ask her if…


So currently I am a project assistant at a consulting company where do our timesheets in billable and non-billable hours. Though for myself as of right now am doing non-billable hours because I started about 2 months ago. As of right now my utilization numbers don’t matter since I am in training (i do some admin work). Anyways it has been extremely slow recently and haven’t had the opportunity to do any billable admin work and I try to make myself busy but I would still be using my non-billable time. My manager recently tells me she doesn’t hear from me and I mostly don’t because I don’t know what to say to her when there are no questions that I have since there is no work. She then states that she wants a brief run down of what I do daily. The next day I ask her if there is any work she wants me to do or if there is anything I can help with and give her a brief update what I’m currently working on. She says there isn’t anything that I can work on and again expresses that she wants daily updates. My question is how can I give you updates if you aren’t giving me work even after I ask? Is this leading to a toxic work environment?

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