
How to deal with work reluctance ?

Currently trying to get experience/ just make a living wage. I'm in the running for this job (just waiting for the phone call to say if I got it or not). I've had such shitty job experiences (not getting paid, getting written up for missing work due to illness which was talked about prior to me getting the job, being written up bc they wouldn't take a doctor's note from the HOSPITAL bc I didn't call off 3 days in advanced, etc). How do you not feel hopeless and cynically going to work? I want to, or more so feel obligated bc I want to be a contributing member to society/ have money to live. What do you do to not blow your brains out from the thought of working?

Currently trying to get experience/ just make a living wage. I'm in the running for this job (just waiting for the phone call to say if I got it or not).

I've had such shitty job experiences (not getting paid, getting written up for missing work due to illness which was talked about prior to me getting the job, being written up bc they wouldn't take a doctor's note from the HOSPITAL bc I didn't call off 3 days in advanced, etc).

How do you not feel hopeless and cynically going to work? I want to, or more so feel obligated bc I want to be a contributing member to society/ have money to live. What do you do to not blow your brains out from the thought of working?

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