
How to ensure I’ll be paid bonuses??

Back story: So i'm going to be vague here and say that my pay is x amount hourly, with a y bonus for every z completed. This was communicated to me upon being hired. What wasn't communicated to me was the fact that getting the 'y for every z completed' didn't go into effect for a specific amount of time after being hired. Essentially 4 weeks after being hired I contacted the boss man and explained that I needed this policy in writing, (which I have not seen) and to explain why I can't earn said bonuses. (policy was a pretty good amount of time before bonuses could be earned btw). Within 10 minutes, boss coughed up and said he would honor my bonuses from then on. Which was mid June for context. Fast forward to today, and I am leaving this job for another. I put my two weeks…

Back story:

So i'm going to be vague here and say that my pay is x amount hourly, with a y bonus for every z completed. This was communicated to me upon being hired. What wasn't communicated to me was the fact that getting the 'y for every z completed' didn't go into effect for a specific amount of time after being hired.

Essentially 4 weeks after being hired I contacted the boss man and explained that I needed this policy in writing, (which I have not seen) and to explain why I can't earn said bonuses. (policy was a pretty good amount of time before bonuses could be earned btw). Within 10 minutes, boss coughed up and said he would honor my bonuses from then on. Which was mid June for context.

Fast forward to today, and I am leaving this job for another. I put my two weeks in last friday, and essentially was given grunt work for my last week (which is next week). I plan on informing them this Friday I'll only be doing one of my two last weeks because I am not going to let them use my gas and time doing bullshit grunt work when I could go start new job next week for almost 33% higher pay per hour. This week is alright because it's easy work and I'll be getting paid for doing essentially nothing.

What I'm writing this post for is that I would like to ensure I'll get these bonuses for every z that i complete during my time at this company, after I leave. The other important note is that these bonuses must be approved and be submit correctly (which I have done). I do not want the boss man and the management to screw me out of these bonuses after I leave and only give me the hourly. Is there anyway I can ensure I don't lose out on the y x z amount of cash that I am owed, considering the circumstances? I have exact figures for y and z, and the total is less than $200. To me, this is about ensuring I get paid for what I did and followed what was told to me.

I'll answer questions in the comments if anyone needs further information.

Right to work state btw

I'll edit and add this bonus money is paid out even more delayed than my paycheck (by over a week) which comes on the 1st/15th of the month.

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