
How to get over shame of asking off/sick?

I can’t say no to extra hours or like now, to sick days. I feel ashamed. First parents grilled it in us sick days for school means were faking or losers (parents are toxic, I know, no contact anymore). And of course harsh bosses hate people calling off because it’s ruins their perfect schedule plans and now my work is so low staffed management is doing housekeeping and front desk. But it’s not my fault and it’s not my problem. I need the sick days I just had spinal surgery and having a flareup. I need to get over this mental and self hate for taking off entrained in me. How? Suggestions?

I can’t say no to extra hours or like now, to sick days. I feel ashamed. First parents grilled it in us sick days for school means were faking or losers (parents are toxic, I know, no contact anymore). And of course harsh bosses hate people calling off because it’s ruins their perfect schedule plans and now my work is so low staffed management is doing housekeeping and front desk. But it’s not my fault and it’s not my problem. I need the sick days I just had spinal surgery and having a flareup. I need to get over this mental and self hate for taking off entrained in me. How? Suggestions?

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