
How to interview without being attached?

After working my ass off to prepare for many job interviews that ended up breaking my heart, I have no mojo in me to prepare for two upcoming interviews. To really prepare, I have to be “all in” and put on that fake smile and pep. I find it impossible to interview in a detached manner. I also have a list of jobs to apply to but I am not doing that either. Each application takes hours to reformat all of my materials. I am putting this here on Antiwork because the system sucks and this is my fav sub!

After working my ass off to prepare for many job interviews that ended up breaking my heart, I have no mojo in me to prepare for two upcoming interviews. To really prepare, I have to be “all in” and put on that fake smile and pep. I find it impossible to interview in a detached manner.

I also have a list of jobs to apply to but I am not doing that either. Each application takes hours to reformat all of my materials.

I am putting this here on Antiwork because the system sucks and this is my fav sub!

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