
How To Not Let A Shitty Part Time Job Consume Your Mindset/Life?

Hello there. So I am about to start working at my old job as a Starbucks barista. I am a student and I quit about a year ago to focus more on school. Looking back I understand that I also quit because the job/negative work environment was overwhelming me. When I say negative work environment Im talking about co workers who fought and complained constantly, managers that were rude and unorganized, mean customers, constant gossip and back stabbing, fluctuating hours, random schedule changes, not enough workers to meet the amount of customers and my manger not decreasing my hours when I asked him to. Pretty normal part time job stuff. I worked there for about two years and towards the end I was constantly on edge, irritated and in a bad mood even when I wasn't working. I couldn't get the place out of my mind. I even started to…

Hello there. So I am about to start working at my old job as a Starbucks barista. I am a student and I quit about a year ago to focus more on school. Looking back I understand that I also quit because the job/negative work environment was overwhelming me. When I say negative work environment Im talking about co workers who fought and complained constantly, managers that were rude and unorganized, mean customers, constant gossip and back stabbing, fluctuating hours, random schedule changes, not enough workers to meet the amount of customers and my manger not decreasing my hours when I asked him to. Pretty normal part time job stuff.

I worked there for about two years and towards the end I was constantly on edge, irritated and in a bad mood even when I wasn't working. I couldn't get the place out of my mind. I even started to have nightmares about the place. My mood was always heavy and I just felt awful.

I understand that as apart of the lower class I am going to have to pay my dues. I also know that this position will not last forever, but I need money and this is the fastest way for me to get it. My question is now that I am about to re-enter this environment, how do I keep my emotions separate from the chaos? How do I not get sucked in by the negativity? How can I create a barrier around myself so that I am able to go to work, do my job and go home without still feeling connected to all the bullshit?

Any advice, information, personal stories or anything else would be much appreciated. Thank you so much.

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