
How to survive autocratic superiors for 1 year?

I got this new job as a HR executive. Everything was better than my previous job, I get a better pay, get to work from home, and get to learn new skills that I've always wanted to learn. And for the first two months, I thought that all my superiors (supervisor, assistant manager, manager) were pretty good. But then things started to change entering the third month. Their politeness and niceness started to fade away. They started being strict, then harsh, and now autocratic. One thing I noticed in the work culture here is that they generally don't like open conversations between a superior and a subordinate. They never said it out loud, but I could tell from the way they react. So for example, when I'm confused about why they did something or viewed something in this way and asked them without sounding confrontational, they'd get very defensive. And…

I got this new job as a HR executive. Everything was better than my previous job, I get a better pay, get to work from home, and get to learn new skills that I've always wanted to learn.

And for the first two months, I thought that all my superiors (supervisor, assistant manager, manager) were pretty good. But then things started to change entering the third month. Their politeness and niceness started to fade away. They started being strict, then harsh, and now autocratic. One thing I noticed in the work culture here is that they generally don't like open conversations between a superior and a subordinate. They never said it out loud, but I could tell from the way they react. So for example, when I'm confused about why they did something or viewed something in this way and asked them without sounding confrontational, they'd get very defensive. And if I further ask them, they would start getting angry. No matter how polite I try to ask, it's always the same. All they want is me to say nothing and obey them like a slave.

I worked as a HR & Admin Assistant in my previous job; I left because the boss was super toxic and aggressive, and it's started to affect my mental health. I already have depression (been on medication for as long as I've been diagnosed with it), and that job just made it worse.

Although this job isn't as bad as my previous one, whenever I experience one of those autocratic treatment from either one of my superiors, I feel like quitting. I don't know if it's my depression causing me to catastrophize and blow everything out of proportion in my mind, but I just feel like I want to escape that situation.

But then the rational side of me doesn't want to quit. For one, I get to work from home, and it's a very rare perk in where I live. Also, I really enjoy the actual work itself. Another, more important reason is that if I quit after working only for 3 months, my resume would look really bad, hiring managers might think I'm a job hopper and not consider my job application, which is not what I want. So I figured in order to not make my resume look bad, I'd need to stay for at least a year. And if things still remain the same or get worse, then that's the time I might consider resigning.

So how can I survive such superiors for at least 1 year?

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