“The world has changed, I feel it in the water, I smell it in the air. Much that was is now lost, for none now live who remember it”
I'm the creator of r/Struwwelkinder and wish to make money on Amazon through digital and physical copies of my comic via Kindel. The problem is because I have Asperger's and my parents are divorced I'm in guardianship. For things to change, they have to have a mutual agreement but they have weird and outdated ideas on how independent publishing works or want me to get a job. I have tried explaining to them that art is work and people do get money and can keep royalties. They are still stuck with job markets in the 60s and '80s when I'm a Zoomer (90'-2000s) and so many people like me struggle with parents who don't move progressively even if they love us and each have a roof to live under.
Are there any resources my parents can digest to help them understand because all the warning signs are there in the real world? For example, people complain about waiters, grocery workers, and fast food workers not being inefficient or lazy. How can they when they have no healthcare and live on wages from the 50s and 80s? Many writing and journalism jobs require a bachelor's yet they say, “You already have a degree why need another.” how can I pay for classes if I can't earn money from my comic.
Gladrel's quote is about how things in Middle Earth are changing but are changing in a way that does not help people, that corrupts all people and races, destroys nature, and twists it into a monster. The Orcs and the Uraki are overbred Elves that became monsters and Uraki are bred to fight and devour. Something we see in Monopolies and Corporations and the people who climb up the ladder by harming others. The Industrial War Complex that J.R.R Tolkein experienced as a soldier in World War One is even embodied in Smag. Even after Smag is killed the impact of his destruction causes conflicts between Men, Dwarfs, and Elves until they fight the common enemy which is Sarron coming back.
Hobbits are the children who have to live with the consequences of a society that is stagnated and can't change until they are passed down with the burdens of greed, corruption, and destruction of the natural world. The Ring's second victims wind up being two Hobbits in a fishing village that goes under the rug until it passes to Bilbo and then Frodo. No one wants the ring to pass down to us but it happens to us all and it angers us all when people dismiss the dangers of toxic work and competitive culture until it kills them too. Capitalism and Libertarianism are killing our parents who learned it from their parents, even the most progressive and liberal people become corrupted. Freedom does not have to be slavery, freedom is to live a life where what labors of love we pursue are worth it and don't feel worthless when people say otherwise.