
How to tell your boss ‘gfy’ without actually saying it?

I finally quit my job!! My boss is a total asshole and I don't get paid enough to deal with it. Although I'm sure no one from my work will see this, I'm gonna keep this as vague as possible. Some stuff had happened before I put my notice in, but this past weekend really did it for me. One day, my alarm never went off for work, I didn't wake up until hours after my shift started, so I called and said I was very sorry and my boss made a comment about how I was just getting up and what time it was. They asked if I would cover for someone since they called out, I could have said no, but of course I didn't, because I am nice and a people pleaser. When I went into work, they made another comment of “oh good morning” while it…

I finally quit my job!! My boss is a total asshole and I don't get paid enough to deal with it. Although I'm sure no one from my work will see this, I'm gonna keep this as vague as possible.

Some stuff had happened before I put my notice in, but this past weekend really did it for me. One day, my alarm never went off for work, I didn't wake up until hours after my shift started, so I called and said I was very sorry and my boss made a comment about how I was just getting up and what time it was. They asked if I would cover for someone since they called out, I could have said no, but of course I didn't, because I am nice and a people pleaser. When I went into work, they made another comment of “oh good morning” while it was at that point late in the afternoon, hinting at my getting up late. The next day someone who was supposed to work didn't show up, no call, no show, and they made ANOTHER comment saying “oh maybe they're sleeping in” while looking at me, they laughed, but I didn't and just looked away, embarrassed. The rest of the day I was on the edge of breaking down and crying. 'It's not like i did it on purpose' is all I could think of, I didn't mean to, and honestly I hope I embarrassed them by giving no comment. I'm gonna be talking to HR about this, I've already talked to them about the other stuff but this happened after I put my notice in.

Anyways, sorry about the rant, I guess I just needed to get this out. How can I tell them to 'gfy' without actually saying and getting myself in trouble?

Tldr- I woke up late and my boss has been an ass about it, how do I tell them off?

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