
HR put me on a CAP for a metric i can’t control.

Hi guys, I work from home for a Healthcare company in the US. I usually pick ip calls for medicare members, Providers and Third parties. On the first 4 months that i started i had perfect QA scores, NPS(Net Promoter Scores and i was meeting the AHT( average handling time). Then a couple of months ago i started receiving Third party calls like crazy and call were exceeding 1 hour just because the third parties didn’t have the information at hand or wanted to work with more than 3 members or customers( my dept is the only department that doesn’t have a limit on how many members we can assist. Example i have friends working other departments and they have a limit of 3). The average call for the AHT is 12 minutes if it goes past that mark is starts affecting the Employee. Third parties are people hired by…

Hi guys, I work from home for a Healthcare company in the US. I usually pick ip calls for medicare members, Providers and Third parties. On the first 4 months that i started i had perfect QA scores, NPS(Net Promoter Scores and i was meeting the AHT( average handling time).

Then a couple of months ago i started receiving Third party calls like crazy and call were exceeding 1 hour just because the third parties didn’t have the information at hand or wanted to work with more than 3 members or customers( my dept is the only department that doesn’t have a limit on how many members we can assist. Example i have friends working other departments and they have a limit of 3). The average call for the AHT is 12 minutes if it goes past that mark is starts affecting the Employee.

Third parties are people hired by the hospital or Providers just to help them most of the times they are from India or Philippines is cheaper to hire them than other countries.

At first my Lead and Supervisor were understanding because every time they saw i was getting past 20 minutes they joined the call just to listen and verify it wasn’t me extending the call and i was never me it was always the Third party fault.

Moving forward my Supervisor and Lead have move to a new position and we got 1 new Supervisor and a Lead that they are by the book and i don’t mind that but recently the new supervisor told me that HR has put me on a CAP because i wan’t meeting AHT.
I got mad because AHT and NPS are the metrics that the employees can’t control are is not our fault.

2 months ago i even told the manager that we should put a limit on how many members we could assist to avoid this issues but yeah like always they don’t listen and they will change it after the fire the persons telling them to change. Currently im looking for another job but not a call center jobs, been 10 years in call centers and i don’t like it anymore.

Anyways in the time that i have should i contact HR???

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