
HR Staff: Any insights on industry awards or certifications for “best place to work” etc?

Any HR staff tell me what is up with industry awards or certifications that organisations like tout to their staff and on social media? Nearly every crap company I’ve worked for will have multiple awards like “Awarded top 5 places to work 2021 by (random industry awards)” Or they’ll have certifications like “employer of choice” awarded by some unknown organisation These awards/certifications seem as laughable as those medals/awards that wines have on their labels. Can anyone confirm these are absurd bullshit company’s HR depts rig to make themselves look good to the C-suite or future employees? LinkedIn is full of this shit

Any HR staff tell me what is up with industry awards or certifications that organisations like tout to their staff and on social media?
Nearly every crap company I’ve worked for will have multiple awards like
“Awarded top 5 places to work 2021 by (random industry awards)”
Or they’ll have certifications like “employer of choice” awarded by some unknown organisation
These awards/certifications seem as laughable as those medals/awards that wines have on their labels.
Can anyone confirm these are absurd bullshit company’s HR depts rig to make themselves look good to the C-suite or future employees?
LinkedIn is full of this shit

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