
HR won’t pay out PTO after I’ve submitted two weeks notice

10 years with this retail company and I find out that I'm getting cheated out of paid time off because I've given my two-weeks notice. HR told it to me straight: since I'm ending my employment ai won't have access to my PTO. Today when I appealed to a corporate HR person they told me that maybe I could have taken the time off for the (now 2) days I have left. Too little, too late. and now I'm angry knowing that the system is built to only benefit the employer. There is no benefit to the employee. I'm staying out of goodwill and because I care about my subordinates (who would have a worse time if I just quit). This policy would encourage people to take all their time off and then quit after, and since I took the high road (and didn't know ahead of time) I lose…

10 years with this retail company and I find out that I'm getting cheated out of paid time off because I've given my two-weeks notice. HR told it to me straight: since I'm ending my employment ai won't have access to my PTO. Today when I appealed to a corporate HR person they told me that maybe I could have taken the time off for the (now 2) days I have left. Too little, too late. and now I'm angry knowing that the system is built to only benefit the employer. There is no benefit to the employee.

I'm staying out of goodwill and because I care about my subordinates (who would have a worse time if I just quit). This policy would encourage people to take all their time off and then quit after, and since I took the high road (and didn't know ahead of time) I lose out in the end. Blech!

Edit: in Texas

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