
Huge medical Corporation takes food scraps for homeless, gives to employees as “benefit”

A friend delivers food for an organization in our city that takes food donations from restaurants and brings it to homeless shelters and food pantries. The food is about to expire and would go to waste otherwise. She told me recently that she has been making a lot of deliveries to the one of the big hospitals, which is part of a very profitable and renowned medical school and many hospitals around town. She said that the hospital takes the food donations and puts it in a food pantry that lower-wage employees can “shop” in for food they need. They call this one of the “benefits” to their employees, instead of paying them more. The medical group made 7 billion last year, almost twice what their competitors made. Their CEO rakes it in as well, of course, while rotting vegetables and containers of hummus are offered to the lower paid…

A friend delivers food for an organization in our city that takes food donations from restaurants and brings it to homeless shelters and food pantries. The food is about to expire and would go to waste otherwise. She told me recently that she has been making a lot of deliveries to the one of the big hospitals, which is part of a very profitable and renowned medical school and many hospitals around town. She said that the hospital takes the food donations and puts it in a food pantry that lower-wage employees can “shop” in for food they need. They call this one of the “benefits” to their employees, instead of paying them more. The medical group made 7 billion last year, almost twice what their competitors made. Their CEO rakes it in as well, of course, while rotting vegetables and containers of hummus are offered to the lower paid staff. Also, the food “non-profit” makes a lot in donations and has almost zero overhead besides paying themselves a salary and getting people to use their own cars to deliver food. They even have “volunteer drivers.”

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