
I (17f) was laid off for reasons that don’t add up, please send help/advice

Long time lurker, never posted here before but I am just so livid about this I can't not tell anyone I (17f) have been working at (insert international fast food chain) since I turned 14, and quite frankly it's awful, abusive and I'm sick of it. So I started applying around and it took a good 6 months but I finally got a job offer at a local bakery. Jumped at the opportunity and was actually pretty excited to start working there. First shifts go fine, the other workers (also teenage girls) are lovely, I am picking it up quickly and it smells delicious in there. I work there for 5 weeks until one day the roster is released and I don't have any shifts, I thought it was probably just overstaffing so I let it go. The next day I get a call from my new boss, saying that…

Long time lurker, never posted here before but I am just so livid about this I can't not tell anyone

I (17f) have been working at (insert international fast food chain) since I turned 14, and quite frankly it's awful, abusive and I'm sick of it. So I started applying around and it took a good 6 months but I finally got a job offer at a local bakery. Jumped at the opportunity and was actually pretty excited to start working there.

First shifts go fine, the other workers (also teenage girls) are lovely, I am picking it up quickly and it smells delicious in there. I work there for 5 weeks until one day the roster is released and I don't have any shifts, I thought it was probably just overstaffing so I let it go.

The next day I get a call from my new boss, saying that her dad has fallen ill and she has to care fore him full time, meaning that she will be trying to transfer me to another store. Keep in mind that I have only met her once, and all my training had been done by other employees. She says that it is too much stress on her employees to train me. Ok, I think, fair enough, her dad is sick, that's gotta be tough. So I let it go once again, and wait for her to let me know what is going on with my transfer.

3 weeks and about 4 messages from me later, I haven't heard from her at all regarding my job (my income, which I rely on more than I rely on my parents, and which I haven't seen a cent of since she last called me) so I decide to go to the store and see if she is there.

I walk up to the store only to see a girl I have never seen before, wearing a trainee badge, getting trained on the register by one of my ex coworkers. So I double check the roster and lo and behold, there's a new name on the timesheet. I am beyond confused so I call her and ask to please let me know what's going on with my job, she says she hasn't heard back from any of the other stores so sorry you can't transfer there. I then ask her why there is a new person on the roster to which she responds with no straight answer and then starts talking about her sick dad again. Which, like I said makes the whole situation different but I don't think you get to pull that card when you've been stringing me on and ignoring me for a month, and then hire a new person to replace me before you've helped me find a new place of employment.

Currently in tears because my bank account has 70 cents in it, I will be finishing high school in October with no savings and really I am quite upset at how nonchalantly I was replaced. Please feel free to comment your opinions or advice because I have no idea what to feel or if I even have the right to be upset.

Thank u

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