
I Almost Interviewed for a Company with an “Impeach Biden” flag.

So I applied for a company (better pay) and they got back to me and asked for an interview. Awesome! I replied saying they can call me around 4:00 pm the following day. Most people have been giving me phone interviews because…everything. The replied saying that they will be having interviews next week and to schedule a time to come in. I thought that was kinda weird so I scheduled a time for next week. Next week rolls around and it's time to go to this interview. It's a bit of a hike but no big deal, I get to listen to more of my audiobook. I turn the corner and see a building with an “Impeach Biden” flag and I think “Oh god, is that who I'm interviewing for?” I look back at my GPS and I still have about 0.1 miles around a bend in the road to…

So I applied for a company (better pay) and they got back to me and asked for an interview. Awesome! I replied saying they can call me around 4:00 pm the following day. Most people have been giving me phone interviews because…everything. The replied saying that they will be having interviews next week and to schedule a time to come in. I thought that was kinda weird so I scheduled a time for next week.

Next week rolls around and it's time to go to this interview. It's a bit of a hike but no big deal, I get to listen to more of my audiobook.

I turn the corner and see a building with an “Impeach Biden” flag and I think “Oh god, is that who I'm interviewing for?” I look back at my GPS and I still have about 0.1 miles around a bend in the road to go. Whew! I keep going and then see another building with the same “Impeach Biden” flag. This time, it is the building I'm supposed to go interview for.

I made a snap decision and thought, “Anyone proud enough in their capitalist, fascist views to wave a flag like that, is not worth my time, nor worth working for.” So I drove home.

No real moral of the story I guess, but I thought you would enjoy my close encounter.

Edit: Just so we're clear, I don't care who this company supports politically. I care that they care enough to make a definitive statement about politics. I didn't go through with the interview because I can extrapolate how the company treats their employees based on the type of people who would own and fly such a flag.

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