
I almost quit my job today.

Today when I got to work, my boss decided he wanted to go on a political rant. I held my tongue as long as I could, but I couldn’t stand his constant ignorance. I finally spoke up about how I don’t think it’s appropriate to be discussing this at work. He wasn’t happy about that. He baited me into an argument with about my own political beliefs, only for him to shut me down at every moment. This isn’t the first time my boss had acted this one. During my first week of training, I was on the phone with a customer. He kept asking: “can you hear me?” I had hear him, but I didn’t think he was talking to me. I assumed he was on the phone with someone. He said it again and again. Finally he yells “CAN YOU HEAR ME!?” I asked “are you talking to…

Today when I got to work, my boss decided he wanted to go on a political rant. I held my tongue as long as I could, but I couldn’t stand his constant ignorance. I finally spoke up about how I don’t think it’s appropriate to be discussing this at work. He wasn’t happy about that. He baited me into an argument with about my own political beliefs, only for him to shut me down at every moment.

This isn’t the first time my boss had acted this one. During my first week of training, I was on the phone with a customer. He kept asking:
“can you hear me?”
I had hear him, but I didn’t think he was talking to me. I assumed he was on the phone with someone. He said it again and again. Finally he yells

I asked “are you talking to me?”
He says “answer the question, Can you hear me?!”
Mind you I’m on the phone with a customer.
I say I’m with a customer I’ll deal with his issues later. He storms to my desk and shouts
Me being both surprised and angry put down my desk phone and tell him
“Hears what’s going to happen, I’m with a customer right now, I deal with you later.”
He got really mad and shouted
“When I ask you a question, you answer it!”

That is just one example of the many times this ‘manager’ has lost his temper. And now he’s bringing his ignorant politics into work. I don’t think I’m going to stay for long.

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