
I am at breaking point.

I am at breaking point I have worked at my current job for 8 years – I have progressed INCREDIBLY with my social anxiety disorder in the last 8 years, however the last 3 years I have been feeling angry and drained and on the verge of caving in at times. Due to my social anxiety I have not seeked out a new career or job and have been content in this mind numbing job however I am constantly been given shifts that are ludicrous, Eg; Saturday 9PM – 1:30AM Sunday: 10PM – 4AM Tuesday: 7:30AM – 12PM Most of my shifts consist of starting late at night, for a shit 5 hours and then backed by a early start a day after. I have slowly started to fade away from the gym, my main hobby and passion. I feel ill and I have no idea what’s going on. The…

I am at breaking point

I have worked at my current job for 8 years – I have progressed INCREDIBLY with my social anxiety disorder in the last 8 years, however the last 3 years I have been feeling angry and drained and on the verge of caving in at times.

Due to my social anxiety I have not seeked out a new career or job and have been content in this mind numbing job however I am constantly been given shifts that are ludicrous,

Saturday 9PM – 1:30AM
Sunday: 10PM – 4AM
Tuesday: 7:30AM – 12PM

Most of my shifts consist of starting late at night, for a shit 5 hours and then backed by a early start a day after.

I have slowly started to fade away from the gym, my main hobby and passion. I feel ill and I have no idea what’s going on.

The job I am at is a dead end, unless you become CEO or operations manager, you get paid a minimum pay rate per hour no matter what department you work in – if you work full time hours you at best hit minimum wage.

To make it worse, I have in the past been forced to do a job position that handles thousands of dollars, contacts 3rd party companies, a role that other workers don’t do and are jobs reserved for the few people on salaries ( more pay ) and when I asked if I’d get paid more for the extra work I was told no which led to extra stress in my life, contributing to me having a breakdown due to the extra stress and resulted in time off with the head manager telling me to man up and that the next time I need time off and don’t go to work due to mental health issues to consider how much harder it makes the other workers shift and refused my answer saying I don’t want to do that position.

I am however afraid to seek out a new job as I fear the thought of a new environment. Is it just me? Or does constant late shifts like that affect your mind significantly?

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