
I am being asked to install Cortex XDR on my work computer, but I have privacy concerns. Can my employer use this software this to “spy” on me? Or is it legit/secure/safe antivirus/antimalware protection?

To be clear, this is my work computer, so they own it and if they want to force me to do it, I will do it. But I ordered the computer myself, it was shipped directly to me, and I reinstalled everything fresh at that time. There is nothing on it now that I am worried about. I want to know if I need to start watching my ass a little more closely. I have never had a problem with viruses or malware, but I have also never heard of this program. Here seems like as good a place as any to ask, sorry if it is too off-topic. I actually like my job, but I figured folks here might share my skepticism and have some advice. Edit: I installed it, as at the end of the day it is their policy and their computer, but I think it is…

To be clear, this is my work computer, so they own it and if they want to force me to do it, I will do it. But I ordered the computer myself, it was shipped directly to me, and I reinstalled everything fresh at that time. There is nothing on it now that I am worried about. I want to know if I need to start watching my ass a little more closely. I have never had a problem with viruses or malware, but I have also never heard of this program. Here seems like as good a place as any to ask, sorry if it is too off-topic. I actually like my job, but I figured folks here might share my skepticism and have some advice.

Edit: I installed it, as at the end of the day it is their policy and their computer, but I think it is a good wake up call to be just a little more careful.

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