I work in a dead-end job where I have nothing to do, it is slowly draining me of my will to live. It was cool for a bit but is now just plain hell. Also the pay is pretty low.
Pre pandemic I was self employed but I lost all my mojo to do that right now.
I have been applying for just about anything I feel qualified for and haven't been successful, although I have a Masters degree (unfortunately not in anything that makes you money).
Also I am in the process of getting an ADHD diagnosis.
At this point, I am actually seriously considering sex work, but can't do that either because I know my husband wouldn't let me. He is more broke than I am so won't be able to support me.
I am almost 35 and it feels like I will never reach goals others reached at a much younger age, even though I had the privilege of a free uni education. It just feels like I am throwing my life away.
I don't know what I want from this post, I just feel like venting?
Before you accuse me of having first world problems, yeah, you're probably right, I could be breaking my body every day at a horrible physical labour job. Still, I am fed up with my situation…
The time is beyond ripe for UBI, that's for sure.
I hate having to work, and I am really not a lazy person. I volunteer, cook, take care of the house, grow veggies, help others, make art….
Thanks for reading. xx