
I am done with this place.

My AGM decided to schedule me 7 days in a row. The way our pay period lines up, that means no overtime. I had Wed and Thurs off, and I am working from Friday to this coming Thurs. The conversation with her went lile this: Seriously, 7 days in a row? That's kinda harsh. “Oh, boo-hoo, it's not THAT bad.” Couldn't you have scheduled me to be off Fri and Sat so I am not pulling a 7 day stretch? “And have you get TWO weekends off in a row? We canthave that!” Yeah but I don't even get overtime because of our pay-period schedule. “Oh my gosh, get over it!” (I stepped away from her office for a few mintues to cool off, as I was trying not to lose it. Then I cam back after dealing with a few guests.) But seriously, 7 days? “Move on already, sheesh!”…

My AGM decided to schedule me 7 days in a row. The way our pay period lines up, that means no overtime. I had Wed and Thurs off, and I am working from Friday to this coming Thurs. The conversation with her went lile this:

Seriously, 7 days in a row? That's kinda harsh. “Oh, boo-hoo, it's not THAT bad.” Couldn't you have scheduled me to be off Fri and Sat so I am not pulling a 7 day stretch? “And have you get TWO weekends off in a row? We canthave that!” Yeah but I don't even get overtime because of our pay-period schedule. “Oh my gosh, get over it!” (I stepped away from her office for a few mintues to cool off, as I was trying not to lose it. Then I cam back after dealing with a few guests.) But seriously, 7 days? “Move on already, sheesh!” Move on? “Yes, move on already. Get off it!” Fine, I will move on.

I have been at this place almost two years. Literally was hired before opening and helped move furniture, clean rooms, train plenty of other guest services employees. Even helped write our audit checklist, came up with several sheets and practices we still use to be disrespected like this. By the lady who writes the schedules and conveniently gives herself every Sunday and Monday off. Worse yet, this place has become an establishment where the managers hire their friends who they have worked with before and place 100% confidence in them despite shit like this happening.

I am making Thursday, the last day of my 7 day stretch, my last day. The only reason I am staying that long is because I need the money and currently don't have another job lined up yet. Being employed here was fun for such a long time until this bullshit started. Now I dread coming to work. I count the hours the second I go home until I have to go to sleep and come back here. I am depressed, burnt out, tired of fixing other peoples' mistakes, and fed up with the scheduling always sucking ass, never being set despite us having plenty of part timers to fill in spots, and feeling undervalued for what I put in here. Fuck this hotel.

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