
I am getting laid off today.

My direct Boss (she is a real sweetheart and the best boss I ever had) told me yesterday under tears, that the upper management is going to close our whole department. In the last few months this company has gone to shit. I am not going to get into much detail here, but it has something to do with the war in the ukraine and the EU sanctions. Our company has a majority of russian shareholders. I think that they will eventually close down in a few months. It hurts bad, because in all my career, this was the first company I really enjoyed working at and wasn't exploited. The pay was good and the team was awesome. Many people have already left the sinking boat, but today they will fire our whole Division. I am ao fed up, since the Start of the pandemic, i had to look for…

My direct Boss (she is a real sweetheart and the best boss I ever had) told me yesterday under tears, that the upper management is going to close our whole department. In the last few months this company has gone to shit. I am not going to get into much detail here, but it has something to do with the war in the ukraine and the EU sanctions. Our company has a majority of russian shareholders. I think that they will eventually close down in a few months. It hurts bad, because in all my career, this was the first company I really enjoyed working at and wasn't exploited. The pay was good and the team was awesome. Many people have already left the sinking boat, but today they will fire our whole Division.
I am ao fed up, since the Start of the pandemic, i had to look for a new job every year and I am exhausted to be honest. Is it too much to ask to work at a company for more than a year?

Anyway, i have updated my CV and sent out 25 applications yesterday, just another round on the job rollercoaster madness.

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