
I am not a good employee. Thats all

I am not a good employee. I actually don't have any issues with my employer, but work in the general sense. I beat myself up everyday because I am not interested in or even able to be productive at work every day, 5 days a week, from 9 to 5pm. But what's worse is I don't even pretend. Working remotely, I do exactly what every employer would hate. I go for walks, read forums, watch youtube, do yoga. Anything. Barely open my laptop until 10am. Because I can't care about the work I'm doing day in, day out. I wonder how I used to do it. I guess being in office, its easier because the pressure is more palpable.

I am not a good employee. I actually don't have any issues with my employer, but work in the general sense. I beat myself up everyday because I am not interested in or even able to be productive at work every day, 5 days a week, from 9 to 5pm. But what's worse is I don't even pretend. Working remotely, I do exactly what every employer would hate. I go for walks, read forums, watch youtube, do yoga. Anything. Barely open my laptop until 10am.

Because I can't care about the work I'm doing day in, day out. I wonder how I used to do it. I guess being in office, its easier because the pressure is more palpable.

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