
I am out!

I did it, I quit my job! After busting ass in hospitality for 7 years and getting promoted to GM and thinking this was my career path I left. I have been working 70 80 hour weeks for months covering shifts and losing my mind. Begging for help in hiring from corporate , asking for raises for my team and higher starting wages to compete in this crazy job market. Thankfully I was able to get some raises for my team who have been dealing with shit wages through a pandemic but no where near enough they still deserve for all the bs from guests they have to put up with. I am going to miss my team as they are some of the nicest, kindest, and amazing people I have worked with and I hope whoever comes in doesn't try to rock the boat or I will personally help…

I did it, I quit my job! After busting ass in hospitality for 7 years and getting promoted to GM and thinking this was my career path I left.

I have been working 70 80 hour weeks for months covering shifts and losing my mind.

Begging for help in hiring from corporate , asking for raises for my team and higher starting wages to compete in this crazy job market. Thankfully I was able to get some raises for my team who have been dealing with shit wages through a pandemic but no where near enough they still deserve for all the bs from guests they have to put up with.

I am going to miss my team as they are some of the nicest, kindest, and amazing people I have worked with and I hope whoever comes in doesn't try to rock the boat or I will personally help them all find new jobs.

I have taken a week off before I start my new job and I have been waking up at all hours for fear of missing an email from corp that needs a response asap or a phone call from someone calling off.

But I don't have to worry about that anymore! I took a paycut for a new job in a field I love and am so excited for this new adventure in my career.

As a bonus my new job has already set up my email and have included my training schedule for the next week! I haven't had a training scheduled at any job I have ever had in any hotel it's always been, well you know what your doing so get going.

I was also invited to a company party this weekend to meet everyone before my first day which is so amazing!

I am excited to get back into my hobbies that I haven't been able to do in years. Getting to spend time with friends I haven't seen and family that live 5 minutes away but haven't seen in months due to my previous hours.

My partner and I had our first day off together in months this week and we finally got to go out on a much needed date and make plans for the future which is somthing we haven't been able to do in so long.

After working in this industry for so long I have learned no matter the pay, the title, the promises of it will get better, you need to take care of you. You need a company that will respect your time at work and off. A company that will give action instead of bs speeches about how they see how hard you are working. A company that values you as a person not just a needed body.

You are the only You! You are not replaceable and if a company cannot see that you need to find a job that appreciates You!

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