
I am posting here because I don’t know where else to go

I just need some empathy, perhaps, from a group of people who probably understand all too well how shitty our work environments are. Me (24m) and my partner (23m) have had quite a few financial struggles this year. We had to cut down to one shared car and narrowly avoided being evicted out of our studio apartment. My partner has had some tough medical issues and is in the beginning stages of glacoma. He is already partially deaf, and terrified to lose his vision. His current symptoms cause him a lot of pain and discomfort. And out of all the grief that has occurred, he is preparing to lose his job. Too many call offs, too many doctor appointments to schedule shifts around. Because he is not a human being that will always be physically able to work. His supervisors are getting very annoyed at him. It's already bad enough…

I just need some empathy, perhaps, from a group of people who probably understand all too well how shitty our work environments are.

Me (24m) and my partner (23m) have had quite a few financial struggles this year. We had to cut down to one shared car and narrowly avoided being evicted out of our studio apartment.

My partner has had some tough medical issues and is in the beginning stages of glacoma. He is already partially deaf, and terrified to lose his vision. His current symptoms cause him a lot of pain and discomfort.

And out of all the grief that has occurred, he is preparing to lose his job. Too many call offs, too many doctor appointments to schedule shifts around. Because he is not a human being that will always be physically able to work. His supervisors are getting very annoyed at him. It's already bad enough juggling his two part time jobs and my full time job with one car. What are you supposed to do when your migraine is bad enough to impact your vision? How do you drive to work? What happens when the disease progresses?

I keep looking at the bills and I just feel so desperate. I'm scrambling to do anything to make us more money, to pay for all these medical bills, and in preparation of him losing one or both of his jobs. Disability might be an option for him, but the road to that already has so many challenges.

I am full of grief and terror at what the next year will have in store for us. I wish I could fly us away to a country with better healthcare and better labor laws, but I don't know how to get the money for 2 plane tickets, let alone the money to relocate my entire life.

I hate the whole corrupt system we are trapped in.

Sorry for the vent post, I just need someone to hear it.

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