
I am quitting my job. Help me decide how…

Since it will be relevant, I am located in the US. I have decided I am not going to go back to work after my ‘maternity leave’ in September. I put mat leave in quotes, because they don’t actually provide mat leave at all. I made the choice to buy up a short term disability plan that will pay out 60% of my salary for 6 weeks. Right now, my employer believes I will be taking the full 12 weeks of FMLA and then returning full time. I need to decide how and when to quit. I want to quit before I have my baby, because that will lower my stress quite a lot. However, I will lose my insurance through the company for which I have already met my deductible. I do have a secondary insurance through my husbands new job, so this is not the end of the…

Since it will be relevant, I am located in the US. I have decided I am not going to go back to work after my ‘maternity leave’ in September. I put mat leave in quotes, because they don’t actually provide mat leave at all. I made the choice to buy up a short term disability plan that will pay out 60% of my salary for 6 weeks. Right now, my employer believes I will be taking the full 12 weeks of FMLA and then returning full time.

I need to decide how and when to quit.

I want to quit before I have my baby, because that will lower my stress quite a lot. However, I will lose my insurance through the company for which I have already met my deductible. I do have a secondary insurance through my husbands new job, so this is not the end of the world, but we will have to meet that deductible. I also do not think I will get my short term disability payments if I take this route.

The other option is to quit after my FMLA is expired, but company policy says if you don’t return from leave, they can pursue for all health coverages the company incurred while you are out.

Regardless of the path, I do not believe my boss will take it well that I am leaving. They did not react well to me being pregnant, and the organization relies on me pretty heavily.

What would you do??

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