
I am quitting my toxic AF workplace on 7/1!

Cheer me on to do this people of Reddit! I have no debt, six months of savings in my account, am starting an online MBA 7/1 and my boss is toxic AF! Earlier this month she proceeded to yell at me and put her finger in my face for two hours straight in front of my team while I sat there calm, cool and collected while it happened. I went to HR, claimed LGBT discrimination and asked for the video tape to be pulled (she confirmed it existed). Supervisor refuses to apologize and blames me for not accepting she is a hard boss. HR said the video tape can only see peoples feet and not their bodies. Coverup confirmed. They don't want to talk about her putting her finger in my face (though confirmed they counseled my boss). I'm quitting 7/1. Fuck this place. I shouldn't have to threaten EEOC…

Cheer me on to do this people of Reddit! I have no debt, six months of savings in my account, am starting an online MBA 7/1 and my boss is toxic AF!

Earlier this month she proceeded to yell at me and put her finger in my face for two hours straight in front of my team while I sat there calm, cool and collected while it happened.

I went to HR, claimed LGBT discrimination and asked for the video tape to be pulled (she confirmed it existed).

Supervisor refuses to apologize and blames me for not accepting she is a hard boss. HR said the video tape can only see peoples feet and not their bodies. Coverup confirmed. They don't want to talk about her putting her finger in my face (though confirmed they counseled my boss).

I'm quitting 7/1. Fuck this place. I shouldn't have to threaten EEOC complaints as a protected class.

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