
I am so tired of this

How long must this go on? How many more people need to lose their job and have the means to survive stripped from them? How many people need to make the choice between medication and getting a full weeks worth of groceries because the pay check just can’t be stretched to cover both fully. How long do we have to listen to rich assholes tell us “cut out Netflix and coffee and you’ll stop being poor.” Cause apparently only rich people deserve to watch tv. The stress of my job landed me in the hospital last year. To put it simply my body was producing too much stomach acid and was eating holes in my stomach and esophagus. I’m 24 and I was making $17.30 (which I used to think was pretty good for my age. I know better now). With the cost of the medicine I now take, and…

How long must this go on? How many more people need to lose their job and have the means to survive stripped from them? How many people need to make the choice between medication and getting a full weeks worth of groceries because the pay check just can’t be stretched to cover both fully. How long do we have to listen to rich assholes tell us “cut out Netflix and coffee and you’ll stop being poor.” Cause apparently only rich people deserve to watch tv.

The stress of my job landed me in the hospital last year. To put it simply my body was producing too much stomach acid and was eating holes in my stomach and esophagus. I’m 24 and I was making $17.30 (which I used to think was pretty good for my age. I know better now). With the cost of the medicine I now take, and rent I never have a chance of buying a house. Not that I had a real chance before my medical problems. I know this is a long rant but it’s scary seeing no viable path ahead of me. It feels hopeless.

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