
I am so tired of this shit, i trusted this company and got fucked over…again

I don’t even know where to start…this is the latest fuck up. Everything was perfect WFH- saved so much money on gas, food, clothes. Much happier being at home, more productive. Company of course talked about record breaking numbers, profits, success all due to how efficiently we WFH and transitioned. NOW: mandatory on site starting April. Plus weekends. Originally we were told we could do weekends at home, NOPE!! The excuse was they pay for lights/building so they need people on site!! I’m applying for other positions for m-f and looking into other WFH positions. My work had a survey where I definitely “anonymously” spoke about benefits of WFH and the harms of moving to On-Site. It feels like i am just stuck, this company has good points, but since all this on-site promises/expectations bullshit started I am not happy working with them anymore. 6yrs at this company- S/A 3…

I don’t even know where to start…this is the latest fuck up.

Everything was perfect WFH- saved so much money on gas, food, clothes.

Much happier being at home, more productive.

Company of course talked about record breaking numbers, profits, success all due to how efficiently we WFH and transitioned.

NOW: mandatory on site starting April. Plus weekends. Originally we were told we could do weekends at home, NOPE!! The excuse was they pay for lights/building so they need people on site!!

I’m applying for other positions for m-f and looking into other WFH positions.

My work had a survey where I definitely “anonymously” spoke about benefits of WFH and the harms of moving to On-Site.

It feels like i am just stuck, this company has good points, but since all this on-site promises/expectations bullshit started I am not happy working with them anymore.

6yrs at this company- S/A 3 times, raped once, transferred stores/departments to give myself new opportunities and promotion opportunities- constantly get held back and given bullshit in return. I was promised by managers that me transferring to WFH would be permanent WFH … always lies from these people.

Should i just not show up? Like I can’t afford the gas to get to on-site (1hr drive there and back!) and to now find a daycare for weekends…. Like WTF.

Anyways, sorry if this doesn’t belong here. Were all pretty much struggling to fight these oppressive corporations, but I can’t afford to lose my job rn and needed a safe space to vent.

Is it time to eat the rich yet? I’m practically starving.

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