
I am tired of living to work

I have been thinking about how most of the things that have importance in this world are invented capitalism money race gender And have been thinking about things that could change so you don't have to slave away your life to exist in this world. Came to the conclusion that communism wouldn't work either since everything belonging to everyone just wouldn't work. Ending capitalism would stop the rich from getting richer. This mindset makes us all sick in the head anyway – a gucci tshirt is still a tshirt. So how could it work? How can you do what you like while enjoying the life you want? Do we need 50 different stores to buy the same shit in? Probably not. But are we dependent on other people to live a comfortable life? Hell yeah. The only way to reverse this shit show is to become selfless and evaluate subjectively…

I have been thinking about how most of the things that have importance in this world are invented

  • capitalism
  • money
  • race
  • gender

And have been thinking about things that could change so you don't have to slave away your life to exist in this world.
Came to the conclusion that communism wouldn't work either since everything belonging to everyone just wouldn't work.
Ending capitalism would stop the rich from getting richer. This mindset makes us all sick in the head anyway – a gucci tshirt is still a tshirt.

So how could it work?
How can you do what you like while enjoying the life you want?

Do we need 50 different stores to buy the same shit in? Probably not. But are we dependent on other people to live a comfortable life? Hell yeah.

The only way to reverse this shit show is to become selfless and evaluate subjectively what you want and need to be happy and do your part for your community that are essential and you also don't mind doing. And probably exchanging with other communities so we can grow.

It's just been going through my mind how the world could look if all the people with similar mindsets could live closeby and help each other out with their abilities. The focus being on happiness and not weath?

I feel like it's already over for this dream and it's probably not a fully articulated thought. Would love to talk about this tho.


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