
I believe that any job that requires you to be there 40+ hours a week should pay enough to comfortably afford apartments, food and healthcare for yourself

I am 25 and have disabilities that have prevented me from moving up in the working world or furthering my education. Over the past few years I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar and as a child I was labeled as autistic. A hallmark symptom of these disorders is executive dysfunction meaning difficulty taking care of daily tasks including at work. I didn’t ask to be born and I definitely didn’t ask for these disabilities. Usually when I’m keeping a steady job and doing well I eventually end up going through a mental breakdown that includes hospitalization and losing the job. I’m not lazy, I’m just not able to function in this world. I would want nothing more than to be organized, motivated and dedicated to something but I wasn’t blessed with that. I’ve accepted my fate that I will never be rich or get very far in life.…

I am 25 and have disabilities that have prevented me from moving up in the working world or furthering my education. Over the past few years I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar and as a child I was labeled as autistic. A hallmark symptom of these disorders is executive dysfunction meaning difficulty taking care of daily tasks including at work.

I didn’t ask to be born and I definitely didn’t ask for these disabilities. Usually when I’m keeping a steady job and doing well I eventually end up going through a mental breakdown that includes hospitalization and losing the job. I’m not lazy, I’m just not able to function in this world. I would want nothing more than to be organized, motivated and dedicated to something but I wasn’t blessed with that.

I’ve accepted my fate that I will never be rich or get very far in life. But fuck, can’t I at least afford to live? I realize that standing all day checking people out at the grocery store doesn’t require skills but I’m still giving hours of my life away and being miserable for 8 hours while the CEOs stay rich. Despite giving 40 hours of my life away each week, I’m unable to move out of my dad’s house. Im unable to fix my car. I “make too much” for government insurance but literally cannot afford regular insurance and to pay my bills. This is fucking bullshit. Even if I finished my degree, my courses are in social work which literally allows you to work like a slave and get paid in bread crumbs. Im disgusted and fed up. I don’t care if you’re flipping burgers, taking care of elderly people, pushing carts, or working for Amazon- these people deserve good lives. We’re not asking to live in luxury we just want to live

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