
I called off today for no reason

It felt really good too. No reason in particular. Well maybe… I get paid $12 an hour to build and lift extremely heavy furniture at HomeGoods. We have this thing called “team lift” where u can call someone to help if it's too heavy. Problem is, hours are cut so bad and we are all spread so thin that u are looked at as an asshole or am nuisance if u use it other than the most extreme circumstances. It's weird because it's not just by management but other male employees will judge u or make a dig or pull some macho bullshit comment. On top of that I have to deal with entitled customers and a management team that cracks the whip CONSTANTLY without lifting so much as a finger to help. One person unloading a 1500 to 1800 piece semi into an already overcrowded and understaffed back room.…

It felt really good too. No reason in particular. Well maybe… I get paid $12 an hour to build and lift extremely heavy furniture at HomeGoods. We have this thing called “team lift” where u can call someone to help if it's too heavy. Problem is, hours are cut so bad and we are all spread so thin that u are looked at as an asshole or am nuisance if u use it other than the most extreme circumstances. It's weird because it's not just by management but other male employees will judge u or make a dig or pull some macho bullshit comment. On top of that I have to deal with entitled customers and a management team that cracks the whip CONSTANTLY without lifting so much as a finger to help. One person unloading a 1500 to 1800 piece semi into an already overcrowded and understaffed back room.

So I helped them save on hours by calling off. I had to hear the guilt trip about how short staffed they are (they have the workers, they are the ones who cut everyone's hours) and how lucky I am to have the hours I do.

No, I'm lucky for another reason. I'm lucky I have a life outside of work. I'm lucky I'm not a working slave. I'm lucky to be alive and not be in a warzone. I'm lucky I'm in good health. I'm lucky I have a roof over my head and food on the table. I'm lucky to have such a great family. Your “graciously giving me hours” isn't luck. It's corporate greed and slave driving. It's a shit ass company (TJX) gaslighting it's employees and making them feel guilty if they don't work themselves to death because “someone else could have had those precious hours”. Fuck that and fuck them. They will be lucky if I come back.

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