
I cannot stand working a second longer

I’ve worked since I was 15 I’m now 23 I can’t take another second of it, I’ve worked everything from fast food to high end sales back down to theatre usher. I’ve only ever enjoyed 2 jobs in my life, when I was a theatre usher and security. One didn’t pay enough and the other was bought out by a larger company and fired all the previous people. I got a new job at a vape warehouse where I’m quality control. It’s 9 hours and 59 minute shifts so we don’t get a second lunch. Breaks are unpaid. I’m there almost 12 hours because they have bs unpaid meetings before and after work. There are immigrants working there who get paid 10/hr in california who don’t speak English. The way upper management talks about them makes me extremely uncomfortable often referring to them as stupid or uneducated. I stand there…

I’ve worked since I was 15 I’m now 23 I can’t take another second of it, I’ve worked everything from fast food to high end sales back down to theatre usher. I’ve only ever enjoyed 2 jobs in my life, when I was a theatre usher and security. One didn’t pay enough and the other was bought out by a larger company and fired all the previous people.

I got a new job at a vape warehouse where I’m quality control. It’s 9 hours and 59 minute shifts so we don’t get a second lunch. Breaks are unpaid. I’m there almost 12 hours because they have bs unpaid meetings before and after work. There are immigrants working there who get paid 10/hr in california who don’t speak English. The way upper management talks about them makes me extremely uncomfortable often referring to them as stupid or uneducated.

I stand there and watch people who are severely underpaid pour vape juice in a bucket. I wear a respirator and full ppe, they only get a cloth mask. It feels like a nightmare out of a book however I need the money I have 0 desire to work there at all I hate it but I need the money and I can’t get hired anywhere else.

This is nothing more than a rant while I sit on the toilet and question if I should really come in today.

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