
i can’t believe the standard amount of time you get off in a year is under or around two weeks.

Before my current job I used to run a business with a partner specializing in herbs and mushrooms and delivering them to chefs in restaurants. it was a decent gig but because it was just the two of us there was a little bit of flexibility. this was around 2015 to maybe 2018 or so. Even though I did absolutely everything (picking up, packaging, delivering, invoices, ordering, storage, you name it) it was still a fun job because I felt appreciated and respected and when I wanted some time off to do something, I was able to. Well that time has come and pass and towards the end of that job I saw doordash as an option so I started doing that and realized quickly that I was making more money doing that that running that business which blew my mind. So I quit that job and I’ve been doing…

Before my current job I used to run a business with a partner specializing in herbs and mushrooms and delivering them to chefs in restaurants. it was a decent gig but because it was just the two of us there was a little bit of flexibility. this was around 2015 to maybe 2018 or so. Even though I did absolutely everything (picking up, packaging, delivering, invoices, ordering, storage, you name it) it was still a fun job because I felt appreciated and respected and when I wanted some time off to do something, I was able to.

Well that time has come and pass and towards the end of that job I saw doordash as an option so I started doing that and realized quickly that I was making more money doing that that running that business which blew my mind. So I quit that job and I’ve been doing doordash ever since and have been pretty happy with it myself.

Well I’m ready to move on but now I’m getting full time job offers but I’m realizing that a lot or the majority of jobs only have 10 to 14 days off the entire year!!! What?!?

I live with no family near me on the west coast so I usually fly to the east coast where all my family is at least a couple of times a year, but i’m used to staying for like a week or more (they looove to guilt me to stay longer) and that simply won’t be possible if I also want to do things like camping, travel, festivals, have a personal day off, or shit if I get Covid that’s like more than half the time gone!

unreal. I don’t know how people do it. With inflation and small wages and peoples with masters degrees starting out at 17 an hour I can’t see things getting better and everything is getting so expensive, the cheapest rentals are getting absurdly expensive.


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