
I can’t stand working five days a week

My last job I worked four 10 hour shifts and it was perfect. I rested the first day, spent the next with family or friends, and the third left me with time to pick up hobbies and chill. My new job absolutely refuses to let us work four 10s. I've begged and pleaded. I've even tried to reason with them that the option of even just working from home would help but they keep saying no. I've only been here for a few months and I already feel myself getting burnt out. Two days just isn't enough. I'm neurodivergent so that doesn't do me any favors either. I'm a damn good employee and it pisses me off that I can't even get rewarded for that. They gave us a laptop day one and I don't see the point if I can't work from my office. I have a CIS degree…

My last job I worked four 10 hour shifts and it was perfect. I rested the first day, spent the next with family or friends, and the third left me with time to pick up hobbies and chill. My new job absolutely refuses to let us work four 10s. I've begged and pleaded. I've even tried to reason with them that the option of even just working from home would help but they keep saying no. I've only been here for a few months and I already feel myself getting burnt out. Two days just isn't enough. I'm neurodivergent so that doesn't do me any favors either. I'm a damn good employee and it pisses me off that I can't even get rewarded for that. They gave us a laptop day one and I don't see the point if I can't work from my office. I have a CIS degree and built my own PC and have tried to explain I would be okay working from home but no. I'm outperforming all my coworkers even the ones who have been there over a year. I feel like my only option is to look elsewhere and put the cards on the table. They're desperate for workers and couldn't afford to lose me. They keep telling me they have no control over the schedule but it's so frustrating. I need time to myself. The one keeps saying “it's time to be an adult” and that pisses me off more like no it's time to change your business approach and actually give the work life balance that your company preaches about. Ugh

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