
I can’t wrap my head around this mentality

So i recently had a talk with management and they told me the following: ” you do what you have to do, but no more. show initiative, be productive, be here with yoir heart or don't you want to be successful? it sems like you only come in for your paycheck.” i do, in fact, only come in for my paycheck. i have a private life, i have hobbies, i don't want to spend all my time doing something useless just to be” successful”. i do my job, you give me my money, simple as that.

So i recently had a talk with management and they told me the following: ” you do what you have to do, but no more. show initiative, be productive, be here with yoir heart or don't you want to be successful? it sems like you only come in for your paycheck.”

i do, in fact, only come in for my paycheck. i have a private life, i have hobbies, i don't want to spend all my time doing something useless just to be” successful”. i do my job, you give me my money, simple as that.

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