
I chose not to pledge allegiance to the company…

So the other day at my job a poster was put up with the “company culture”…which at first seemed ok until your read into context. Everything is essentially making your every move and thought to reflect how it affects the company…ok, fine…one of my favorites for example “if you choose to leave, please try to stay on until your replacement is found”…yet I am in a right to work state…Or for Mental Health, to make sure you spend your time reading training manuals to keep your mental fitness …but no, that isn't my issue here…there are over a dozen gems like this btw.. Now it has been decreed that every morning we all go to the break room and say one of these out loud then think how we can enact what we read to make us better workers. I have refused. This is like brainwashing…they pay me, they get…

So the other day at my job a poster was put up with the “company culture”…which at first seemed ok until your read into context. Everything is essentially making your every move and thought to reflect how it affects the company…ok, fine…one of my favorites for example “if you choose to leave, please try to stay on until your replacement is found”…yet I am in a right to work state…Or for Mental Health, to make sure you spend your time reading training manuals to keep your mental fitness
…but no, that isn't my issue here…there are over a dozen gems like this btw..

Now it has been decreed that every morning we all go to the break room and say one of these out loud then think how we can enact what we read to make us better workers.

I have refused. This is like brainwashing…they pay me, they get a certain amount of loyalty. I was pulled aside saying “I am not a team player” despite I am the guy who does most of the ball bearing work (keep the store moving smoothly, loading cars, calling warehouse for restocks etc) and have one of the most flexible schedules. I have been here for almost 2 years yet they decide to roll this out?

Am I the jerk here?

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