
I demanded to work for free. A week later, no response.

So currently I am unemployed and I thought about doing some volunteering work. I wrote about my experience in a previous post: Being the compulsive person that I am, one random night I found a bunch (~10) of volunteer/non-paid positions on a bunch of websites, and I applied to them with my resume and my Linkedin account. By the way, these are legit organizations. Some of the jobs I directly emailed the hiring personnel. I even thought about applying for Red Cross, but it didn't have anything suitable. It has almost been a week and a half, and NONE of these jobs have even gotten back to me. I am willing to do work for FREE. I have zero criminal record. Advanced degrees. Tech savvy. Superb writer. Literally one of the best team-player you can ever find. Zero response. Do I need to start prostituting myself for free? What…

So currently I am unemployed and I thought about doing some volunteering work. I wrote about my experience in a previous post:

Being the compulsive person that I am, one random night I found a bunch (~10) of volunteer/non-paid positions on a bunch of websites, and I applied to them with my resume and my Linkedin account. By the way, these are legit organizations. Some of the jobs I directly emailed the hiring personnel. I even thought about applying for Red Cross, but it didn't have anything suitable.

It has almost been a week and a half, and NONE of these jobs have even gotten back to me.

I am willing to do work for FREE. I have zero criminal record. Advanced degrees. Tech savvy. Superb writer. Literally one of the best team-player you can ever find.

Zero response.

Do I need to start prostituting myself for free? What to do?

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