
I didn’t realise how badly my financial situation was hurting me mentally

Last year I made the decision to get a new job. I'd been with that company for 5 years, and I hadn't gotten any payraise whatsoever, and I just couldn't afford it anymore. I got a new job fairly quickly, doubling my pay. I've been with that new company now for 5 months and I'm loving it. The people are amazing, loving, helpful and understanding. The pay has allowed me to save money for the first time ever, and I've been able to get out with friends, dive into my hobbies, and I've even started looking at moving house next year. The past couple months have been hectic, something I used to not be able to handle. I always blamed it on my autism and adhd, and just generally being a person who couldn't handle stress very well. However, I've come to notice that this time around, I've been handling…

Last year I made the decision to get a new job. I'd been with that company for 5 years, and I hadn't gotten any payraise whatsoever, and I just couldn't afford it anymore.

I got a new job fairly quickly, doubling my pay. I've been with that new company now for 5 months and I'm loving it. The people are amazing, loving, helpful and understanding. The pay has allowed me to save money for the first time ever, and I've been able to get out with friends, dive into my hobbies, and I've even started looking at moving house next year.

The past couple months have been hectic, something I used to not be able to handle. I always blamed it on my autism and adhd, and just generally being a person who couldn't handle stress very well.

However, I've come to notice that this time around, I've been handling it no problem. Sure, I'm tired and I need my rest, but it's not like I'm crying every day, not wanting to go out or do anything at all. I can still say that I feel fine and mean it.

I never realised how much of a strain being at the bare bottom of financial stability was putting on my mental state. I always thought that, now that I was able to live on my own and make it month to month without going in debt, it'd all be okay. And sure, I've been in worse situations and it was absolutely better than what I've grown up in, but still..

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